Iris® Powered by Generali’s
Women in Technology Scholarships

Iris® Powered by Generali is excited to announce the recipients of the
2023 Women in Technology scholarship!

Megaphone Image 2023 Women in Technology Scholarship Recipients Megaphone Image

Jennifer Castro

The financial assistance from Iris® Powered by Generali’s Women in Technology scholarship will be invaluable in supporting my career in technology. With a newborn and a strong desire to make a positive impact in the tech industry, this scholarship will alleviate the financial burdens that often come with pursuing higher education. It will enable me to access quality education, invest in necessary resources, and participate in opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. As a result, I can pursue my dreams and bridge the gender gap in technology without having to make a difficult choice between career and motherhood. This scholarship is a lifeline that empowers me to be the change I wish to see in the world, not only for my own sake but for the benefit of my family and the industry as a whole. I am profoundly grateful for this support.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Ghandi 


Stephanie Martinez

As a woman of color in a predominantly male field, I am well aware of the underrepresentation that we face in the industry. This scholarship will help me overcome barriers by providing me with better access to education to develop the skills I need to excel in the field. By helping eliminate the financial burden of pursuing a college degree, this scholarship will empower me to focus on my studies and, ultimately, become a role model for other underrepresented women in the community.


Please join us in congratulating our 2023 Women in Technology scholarship recipients!

Why Does Iris Want To Help?

Iris' goals are to provide financial assistance to women professionals in – or those looking to enter – the tech industry and help promote women in the field of technology. Currently, women hold 26.7% of technology jobs. This presents a huge opportunity for the tech industry and STEM-related professions, as women can help bring diverse perspectives and ideas to the table. We believe it’s up to all of us – women and non-women – to work toward creating a more equitable and welcoming industry for women and other underrepresented groups.

While we hope these scholarships can help provide financial support, Iris also hosts and participates in various networking, mentorship, and information-sharing events, offering women the opportunity to connect with other professionals in the field and sharpen their knowledge around various aspects of the tech world. If you want to stay updated on our Women in Technology events, sign up here!

And if you’re interested in joining the Iris family, you can check out our open positions on this webpage.

Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to stay updated and for more Women in Technology events!